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Tales of Transformation: Stevie Ray Tawkoyty

They say that hindsight is 20/20, and it's true: the turning points in our lives are often only apparent when the turn has already taken place — or when the chance to turn around has been missed.

Other times the turning point is clear, such as moments where we hit 'rock bottom'; and in those rock bottom moments we're faced with a choice: do we make the difficult decision to change our lives for the better, or do we continue along the paths that are so familiar to us, to whatever end may come?

At Hope Center Ministries, we see individuals facing these choices each and every day. It's often their decision to come to Hope Center that shows that they've already made that difficult choice, but not always; that decision is always up to them, but when they've made it, then the true work of recovery can begin. On Transformation Tuesday we celebrate exactly the transformations that individuals make in the time they spend in our program, but above all, we celebrate the choice they make at the start of their journey that allows that transformation to begin. This week we celebrate those choices through the testimony of Bethany Men's Center graduate Stevie Ray Tawkoyty!

Prior to coming to Hope Center, Stevie Ray's life was defined by drugs, both through selling them and, of course, through his own addiction. Like many, Stevie Ray was, for a time, able to function in his addiction with relative normalcy, even when his life was anything but. He had no faith in God at this time in his life, simply not believing in Jesus or his grace, and it's easy to see why: for many addicts, we wonder why, if God exists, does He let us live such a miserable existence? If He loves me, and wants me to be better, why am I not? And, of course, it's much easier for addicts to live in sin when they believe that no one is watching them.

But the truth is it's not just God who's watching us – the law is as well, and eventually, the law caught up to Stevie Ray. He'd had numerous run-ins with law enforcement, but in 2023, finally found himself at what he believed was the end of the road. He was facing up to 20 years in prison for felony drug charges, and saw no way out. But God had plans for Stevie Ray, and provided him with one last opportunity to turn his life around: an opportunity with Hope Center Ministries.

When Stevie Ray first came to our Bethany, OK Hope Center, he did so still lacking the faith in Christ that would allow him to break free of his addiction. But what he saw in his time with Hope Center shocked him: the love that he was shown by leaders in the Bethany Center was incredible to him, and inspired him to want the same thing in his own life.

Stevie Ray was saved during his first phase in our recovery program, and from the time of his baptism began an amazing journey not only of physical recovery, but true spiritual transformation in Christ. The changes in him were obvious, even to his family: his journey, and his obedience to the Lord inspired his own mother to both get sober, and to become saved herself in turn!

Stevie Ray completed his program in March of 2024, but felt his calling with Hope Center was not over yet. He entered into our Year 2 Discipleship program with the Hope Center School of Ministry, and is now working towards becoming a Recovery Pastor in his own right; and perhaps most importantly, working to inspire the same bravery, resilience, and passion for God in men throughout Hope Center!

In his own words, Stevie Ray states "I know what it's like to be lost. I know what it's like to have hate towards God. But I also know what it's like to be forgiven by God, and to be free from addiction and anger," and it's precisely this knowledge that makes Stevie Ray such a valuable and beloved part of our Ministry.

Thank you Stevie Ray for all that you do, and a very happy Transformation Tuesday!

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