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"The Hope Center to me wasn't just a place that I went and found recovery and found Jesus' love, it was my NEW BEGINNING."

Startup Locations

Hope Center Ministries has new startup locations coming soon.

We need your help to make them a reality.



Give today and help a startup location bring hope

to communities all around the world.

Startup Loctions
Hope For Recovery

Hope For

We have many men and women apply that do not have the funding to pay for it. Unfortunately, most addicts' families have either spent all they can on previous treatment, or the addict has burned too many bridges to receive help. Hope For Recovery raises money to help sponsor men and women through the program. 100% of everything donated is applied directly toward sponsorships. By giving to Hope For Recovery, you will help make hope happen in the lives of men and women.



Without the support of volunteers, we would not be a successful ministry. We realize that one of the most valuable gifts you can give is your time. Volunteering is an investment in the lives our men and women.

It is through your help that we see many lives changed.

volunteer in these areas

Weekend Duty
Lead A Bible Study
Mentor Residents
Host Events
Help the Admin Office

Sponsor A Resident

Sponsor A Resident

One of the things that contributes to a successful recovery is the support of family and friends. Many addicts are desperate for recovery but lack the funds to pay for the program. You have an opportunity to make a huge impact in someones life by sponsoring a resident.

Start A Center

Bring Hope
To Your Community

One reason we are seeing lives changed all over the world is because of our relationship with the local church. Each Hope Center location is strategically tied to a local church and without that relationship, Hope Center Ministries would never be able to see the lives changed like we are. We are always looking for new churches to work with and help bring a Hope Center to their community.

Next Steps

We would love to take the next steps in building a relationship with your church. We want to make sure our heart and vision is in alignment and your churches DNA matches ours.

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